Monday, October 28, 2013

An apple a day...

Sunday, October 27th, 2013

My mum and dad's friends have apple trees in their garden, which bore fruit to rather too many apples for them to cope with, so they "donated" bags of the things to mum and dad. Their kitchen was brimming with apples, and a lot of today was spent trying to think of ever more imaginative ways of using them. Apple sauce, stewed apples, apple pie, apple crumble, even toffee apples were considered... And still there were bags left over!
They weren't the most attractive of apples, but what they lacked in aesthetic appeal, they made up for in character. They had blemishes and little holes where they'd been attacked by nature's citizens, but they were still edible and juicy - and prolific.
We had a family session of peeling, coring and chopping up as many apples as my mum could cook/ bake/ freeze, and naturally when Gareth and I left mum and dad's to come home, we too were laden with apples and various apple-based foodstuffs. It was nice doing something so simple as a family unit.

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