Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The stillness of winter

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Brrrr! It's that time of year again when there's a cold, dry snap and the woollies come out. It really feels like winter is here at the moment, with sleet and hail... and a biting wind.
I love the stillness of a winter's early morning and evening, when there's no breeze, just the crispness of the cold air. We don't have crisp, dry cold in the UK often enough - anybody who's been to Canada will recognise the difference between a British winter and a Canadian winter. The Canadians have good cold, the sort of cold that makes you feel alive, not close to death like our blustery winters do.
All we get is puddles, leaves, face-eating wind and pathetic spots of ice and snow that never last.

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