Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Force-fed cream cakes

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

This cake stand is in one way my nemesis, and in another, a simply beautiful thing. Whenever we visit Gareth's mum and dad's, when we have a cup of tea, this cake stand comes out and it is laden with cakes, usually cream cakes.
Normal people would eat just one cake, but so insistent are Gareth's parents that all of the cakes should be eaten ("or they'll just go to waste") that I often end up having to eat two - sometimes, to my utter horror, three - cream cakes. Like the wiliest of pensioners, they will not take no for an answer, and appear to take considerable offence if you decline.
It's OK for them, they seem to be able to eat as much fattening food as they like - they consume considerable quantities of sweets, chocolates, biscuits and cakes, without ever putting on an ounce in weight. That anatomical mystery does not translate to me, however, and so a visit to the "in-laws" always goes hand in hand with gluttony and that awful feeling of having had "one too many".
They look delicious, they taste delicious, but by 'eck they're harsh on the arteries!
But look at them... they are so hard to resist. And impossible to decline.

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