Monday, July 04, 2016

My visit to the Edinburgh Fringe - exciting but daunting!

I'm lucky enough to be spending a week at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival next month, thanks to being part of the wonderful Network of Independent Critics, which set up a crowdfunding scheme to discount accommodation expenses in the city.

I've never been to the Fringe before, although I have visited Edinburgh and loved it. So I'm looking forward to returning, albeit in quite different circumstances - this time the city will be a centre of chaos, and I'm not the best when it comes to huge crowds of people!

I remember when I went to Manchester's Gay Pride a few years ago and the streets were literally rammed with people. It was like being in a Where's Wally jigsaw, and whichever way you turned or looked, there was a solid wall of people in your way. In the end Gareth had to take me by the hand and literally pull me through the thronging crowds, so we didn't lose one another! I've never been to a Pride since.